Civilization: The Way We Live Now, Musei San Domenico, Forli, Italy

10th October 2022

From 17-9-2022 to 8-1-2023 works of mine featuring in the global touring exhibition ‘Civilization – The Way We live Now’ by Holly Roussell and William A Ewing, can be seen at Musei San Domenico, Forli, Italy.

‘Our fast-changing world seen through the lenses of 140 leading contemporary photographers around the globe.

We hurtle together into the future at ever-increasing speed – or so it seems to the collective psyche. Perpetually evolving, morphing, building and demolishing, rethinking, reframing and reshaping the world around and ahead – and the people within it – an emerging, planetary-wide Civilization is our grand, global, collective endeavour. Never before in human history have so many people been so interconnected, and so interdependent.

With close to 500 images, many previously unpublished, this landmark publication takes stock of the material and spiritual cultures that make up ‘civilization’. Ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary, from our great collective achievements to our ruinous collective failings, Civilization: The Way We Live Now explores the complexity of contemporary civilization through the rich, nuanced language of photography.’

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